Welcome to Roding Probus
Probus is a national organisation made up of clubs across the UK and abroad; membership is made up of professional and business men from a wide range of occupations.
Wives and partners are very much involved in our club’s social activities.
Probus meet for monthly lunches as well as social events where members can decide what they wish to attend.
Reasons for being in Probus
The Concise Oxford Dictionary definition:
“Companionship, friendliness, participation, sharing; community of interest:
a body of associates; a company; a brotherhood or fraternity; a guild or corporation; the status or emoluments of a fellow of a college or society.”
In practice what does this mean for Roding Probus?
Convenient location
Good parking
Easy access to the building and facilities
Bar and area to mingle
Food of a reasonable standard
Interesting speaker who can be heard
Varied social events
Active management committee with allocated roles
Good communications via emails, mailings, newsletter, website.
Welfare initiatives
How is Fellowship developed?
Monthly lunches
A variety of interesting/enjoyable social events
Ad hoc socialising outside of lunches and events
Membership list updated quarterly
Involvement of partners
In practice what does this mean for Roding Probus?
We meet on the second Wednesday of each month except for August and December when we have our Meal somewhere locally in the Country as well as a Christmas lunch away from our normal lunch venue.
Our lunches are 12.00 for 13.00 at West Essex Golf Club, Bury Rd, Chingford, London E4 7QL, which is an accessible and convenient location with good parking.
The rooms that we use have a very convivial ambience with a well stocked bar and attentive service.
After our meal we have a wide variety of interesting speakers and then deal with club business.
We organise a range of interesting and enjoyable social events, such as visits to Bletchley Park, Met Police Marine Unit Museum, City pub walks, Guide Dogs Training Centre, Air Museum Duxford, National Trust sites such as Waddesdon Manor and theatres etc.
The club has a constitution and is run by a General Committee which is supported by separate Social Events, Speakers and Lunch committees.
Our AGM is held in March and also that month we have our annual dinner.
We have good internal communications via emails, mailings, membership list, our monthly newsletter and a quarterly national Probus magazine.
We have a strong welfare ethos to support older members and widow
Our membership subscription is £20 per annum and the monthly lunches cost £20.
The Joining process:
You will attend your first lunch as a guest of a member, sit amongst club members some of whom you may know and be informally introduced to the club.
If you decide that you would like to experience more, and perhaps attend one of our social events, then please let your ‘host member’ know and he will arrange this for you. At a second lunch you will be asked to sit with your ‘host member’ on the Chairman’s table.
If you then decide to join you will be given a membership application form for completion. Your ‘host member’ and a second member will sign it as your ‘Proposer’ and ‘Seconder’.
Your application will then be processed by the General Committee.
If your application is successful, at the next monthly lunch your ‘host member’ will introduce you formally to the club and you will receive your membership pack after which you will be asked to say a few words.
If you have any questions please contact the Club’s General Secretary Pat Ward on 078 89 87 48 48 or via email patrickcgward@btinternet.com or your host member.